Since 1954 in your pocket

It's been several years now since Graziina Trading took over the commercial activities of Manifattura Graziina, including the iconic Graziina brand, which continues to be a recognized reference brand in its sector.

Keeping a keen ear to market trends and evolving tastes, today Graziina Trading directs its resources toward a rediscovery of the product, not just as a tool for use but also as an object of taste, class, and recognition. The entire production, marked by an effective restyling of packaging, thus suggests a new way to purchase and gift a handkerchief, a timeless object, once again desirable for every woman and man looking towards the future without disregarding the past.

Use the fabric handkerchief and reuse it!

Opting to use a fabric handkerchief (cotton, linen) is a truly sustainable choice both ecologically and economically. They are washable and reusable countless times and do not create any waste. The fabric handkerchief is a completely personal, distinctive, and versatile item!

In our online shop, you'll find a selection of our handkerchiefs and blankets to purchase, gift, and personalize as you wish.

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